(1)explicit structure must be distinct and exact give expression to the design
feature and advantage of exhibit.
iblabc00767216[/caption] (3)succint it needs to put a moderate dosage of interior window decoration,proportion the window size,cannot immoderately use decoration,in general , in order to stand out texture of commodity.the more valuable goods ,the less decoration. top visual merchandising companies (4)unitary in order to bring spectator bright impression,the same set of goods display ,whether colour or texture need to be unify. [caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="600"] iblrek00782594[/caption] (5)sectionalization top visual merchandising companies it needs to pay attention to sectionalization for the exhibit in the window,so that step by step attract the attention of visitor,without sectionalization,it cannot guide visitor look at the exhibits clearly and iintensively. (6)interval in order to emphasize the key point,it needs to leave interval in each sectionalization,otherwise each sectionalization cannot independent.it so as to embody sense of worth,valuable exhibits have more interval space. top visual merchandising companies [caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="400"] iblrek00782600[/caption] (7)stereoscopic exhibit require sense of space,distinct with far,close,high,low [caption id="attachment_139" align="alignnone" width="600"] x8t-1022692[/caption] top visual merchandising companies (8)ornament pay attention to interspece with using the merchandise which can stand out the theme,not only building the atmosphere but also attract the forane visitor. top visual merchandising companies